Engraved Medals Palmers Green

Engraved Medals Palmers Green
Engraved Medals Palmers Green

Medals are a great way of awarding competitors in contest, especially sports contests. They are a widely recognised symbol of excellence, so by awarding them to the winning competitor or the top group of winners, you symbolise the victory and the achievement of those competing. In other instances, medals are used to award effort and dedication, such as when a medal is awarded to all competitors in an event or tournament to represent their hard work.
Whatever you have in mind for your medals, for the best choice of engraved medals Palmers Green has to offer, turn to LRS Engravers. They specialise in providing the best range of cups, trophies and engraved medals Palmers Green customers need. Whether you are hosting a sports tournament, an academic awards night, a club or society contest or even if you want a joke award for a friend or colleague, they have the full range of awards and engraved medals you need.
Engraved medals have a long history. In fact, they likely date back more than two millennia. For example, one ancient historian records Alexander the Great, the famous Macedonian general of the fourth century BCE, giving a golden button to loyal supporters. This was likely a form of medal that would show military valour and loyal service to Alexander. Later, in the Roman Empire, a form of medal was awarded to soldiers. Some were worn on chains as jewellery or were attached to armour. But engraved medals in the modern sense appear to have appeared during the Renaissance. Wealthy European nobles employed talented artists to create designs for medals that could be case in bronze. Sometimes these were even decorated with precious stones to show wealth and success. By the 1700s and 1800s, medals had become a common way of showing the bravery and discipline of individual soldiers as well as entire units when they achieved something extraordinary on the battlefield.
Perhaps because of this long history of engraved medals, they are associated with success and victory. This might explain why competitors are so proud to compete for engraved medals or to be awarded engraved medals for participating in an event. This means that for your tournament or event, engraved medals are a good option.
Why not visit the LRS Engravers’ store? They are the leading suppliers of the engraved medals Palmers Green customers need. Whether you want a full set of engraved medals for participants, or a special set of winners’ medals for the first, second and third place competitors, they can provide you with choice and quality at affordable prices. As well as having a wide range of medals and trophies in store, they also have a catalogue range which can be ordered for you in store. As well as engraved medals, they stock glassware, economy trophies and glass plaques, to name just a few options.
For more information, including all enquiries about the best choice of engraved medals Palmers Green has to offer, contact LRS Engravers today.